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Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)­® Practice Exam 

We put together this practice exam to help you get a feel for the real certification test after your training. 

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This mock exam based on the the November 2020 Scrum Guide to help you practice for the real thing. We've taken time to craft these questions to give you a feel for the actual question format you'll experience on the Certified ScrumMaster® Exam.


The Scrum Guide

Before starting this test you should read and understand the the November 2020 Scrum Guide, follow the link below to access the guide in Audio, Video and Written form.



Certified ScrumMaster® Exam Structure

The exam is set by the Scrum Alliance® and consistently reviewed to ensure it meets the current framework to ensure those who qualify can effectively perform the role of a Certified ScrumMaster® in their organisation.


  • The CSM Test is online, open book and set by the Scrum Alliance® and taken via the Scrum Alliance® Exam Portal

  • It is time boxed to 60 minutes, there are 50 multiple choice questions and the pass rate is 37 out of 50

  • To be certified as a Certified ScrumMaster® you must pass the online test within 90 days of the end of the course.

  • You will be informed of your test result immediately at the end of the exam

  • You have two opportunities to pass the test

  • Not everyone will have the same questions, they are drawn from a pool of 150

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Get Scrum trained by the experts.

We take enormous pride in delivering fun and engaging training courses, with our experts working tirelessly to ensure the quality of our programs are world class.

Take the FREE Certified ScrumMaster® practice test

Test Instructions:

- 20 sample multiple choice questions

- You have 20 minutes to complete all the questions

- The pass mark is 90%, 18 out of 20 questions.


CSM Practice Test
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